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2017-12-11 17:09:13 浏览:27次


课程预约试听:13255697550 联系QQ:1443855227



具体地址及收费情况请拨打400课程电话预约:400-600-8827 13255697550,另外有各种班次具体请需要的家长来电咨询预约试听!




辅导方式:小班 、一对一


直拨400课程预约VEPT测试【Versant English Placement Test】精准能力定位完全匹配!




昆山找好的托福考试培训学校去哪里|托福80分冲刺班,1.原文材料:While, arguably, this “finding” is as trivial as an umbrella that turns blue when it’s going to rain, there is nothing trivial about collecting personal data, as innocuous as that data may seem.  推荐句型(变体):While...seems/sounds as adj. as can be, there is nothing more adj. than...  推荐理由:我们在独立写作中经常用到对比的写法。
这个句型可用在具有对比意味的语境中,前半句当作让步,“尽管对比中的一个因素看起来已经很…”, 后半句转折说“但是另一个因素更…”.  原创例句: While environmental protection seems as pressing as can be, there is nothing more pressing than feeding the growing population in disadvantaged countries where the original eco-system is well preserved.  While a secure job seems as tempting as can be, there is no job more tempting than a risky and well-paid one for the new generation who are mostly avid challenge hunters.  While playing sports with a couple of friends sounds as relaxing as can be, there is nothing more relaxing than a good book or an old movie for those manual laborers who are wearied out with strenuous physical work every day.  学以致用:  Feeding the world’s growing population is more important than protecting environment.  这道题中如果我们持同意的意见,就可以用到第一个例句。
尽管到处都在宣扬保护环境的重要,但是并非世界各地的环境都破坏了啊,比如美丽的非洲大草原原始生态环境保持完好,但是一些边缘小国民不聊生,人民瘦的皮包骨,你说feed population重要还是保护环境重要呢? It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a risky one with a high salary.  根据第二个例句,我们这道题可以不同意。
To read a book or to watch a movie is a better way to relax than to do some physical exercises.  第三个例句回答的就是这道题,确实约三五好友做做运动听起来不赖,但是对于那些每天做繁重体力劳动的工人来说,额外的运动会加重他们的身体负担,还是一本好书或者一部老电影更能帮他们放松。






如需了解更多课程详情,欢迎拨打我们的咨询电话:400-600-8827 13255697550 咨询QQ:1443855227

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