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2020-3-31 14:00:55 浏览:54次

引进德国技术的基础上,继而开发并生产 “智能化全自动阀口袋糊底机” 并荣获国家专利从而填补了国内市场的空白。

Wuxi shenzhien Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. (the former juerwo packaging machinery factory) is a professional manufacturer of full-automatic drum type square bottom cement paper bag machine, an ideal machine for producing valve pocket, multi-layer paper bag machine, paper plastic bag machine and chemical bag machine, responding to the call of the state to eliminate white pollution and meeting the requirements of global environmental protection. On the basis of introducing German technology, we developed and produced the ”intelligent full-automatic valve pocket paster” and won the national patent, thus filling the gap in the domestic market.

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