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2020-3-31 13:59:50 浏览:57次


If the current paper bag machine equipment has done well in automation, which has provided great convenience for the production of paper bags and reduced human investment, then in the future, the paper bag machine equipment will develop towards the direction of intelligence, providing more favorable conditions for the national economic development and the improvement of people's living standards. Let's take a look at the introduction of the future paper bag machine. At present, the amount of paper consumed every day in our country is very large, which has broad development space and market potential. The packaging industry also correspondingly transforms with the change of people's living habits and the improvement of environmental protection requirements, develops towards a more environmentally safe paper bag, and promotes the overall quality of the industry. In general, China's packaging machinery industry started late, and now the overall economic environment, development mode and human resource cost are changing. Relying on price advantage development has led to disorder, repeated production, technical level and dependence on R & D ability in the market competition mechanism.

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